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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Library Connect seeks Next Gen Librarians

Sounds interesting and I think this is okay to repost:

The first 2009 Library Connect Newsletter issue (7:1, Jan. 2009), in P and E, will feature a Next Gen section. The issue will focus on the theme "Performance and Planning."

For the Next Gen section, I'm looking for three articles by upcoming information professionals.

Are you interested?

Just in case you are, here are the specs:
* Deadline: November 7, 2008
* Word count: 550
* Images: Your headshot & 1 other image (e.g., screenshot, graph) in high res, color & .jpg

Here are topics you could talk about:
* How are Next Gen librarians impacting (or how will they impact) academic/corporate/government libraries overall?
* How should library planning and performance-assessment take into account Next Gen librarians' impacts/directions/influences?
* What are Next Gen librarians bringing to library planning and performance-assessment processes?
* How are libraries changing their planning and performance-assessment processes given an influx of Next Gen librarians?

Or, propose a different topic relating to the theme "Performance and Planning" and address it from the Next Gen view.

To see LCN Next Gen-authored articles, freely available in fulltext, go to:

Please send proposals by October 17, 2008.

Thanks for considering this call.
Daria DeCooman
Library Connect Publications Managing Editor
San Diego
T: +1.619.699 6283

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