HP has identified a hardware issue with certain HP Pavilion dv6000, HP Pavilion dv9000 and Compaq Presario V6000 series notebook PCs.
If you own an HP Pavilion dv6000, HP Pavilion dv9000 or Compaq Presario V6000 series computer that meets the product criteria listed below and experiences one or more of the symptoms listed below, contact HP to determine whether you are eligible for a free repair.
So, my laptop is not very old. I received a new battery from HP in October because of problems. Same problem, same symptom, same story? Now, it sounds like I have to send my laptop back to have the motherboard(? from what I've read in other forums) replaced. I REALLY need my laptop over the next few weeks. I don't need it to be sitting at HP waiting for someone to fix it.
You know what, I've already had this waste several days (45 mins. or so on tech support at HP (with at least 4 different repeats of my situation + countless emails + going to UPS) of my life already. I just want a new laptop.
This is kind of the make or break point for HP products in my book. If this doesn't go well, that's it.
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