If you are planning to attend COMO on Friday, Oct. 15, would you consider volunteering to review resumes for those in the job market? The "Resume Review" session sponsored by the New Members Round Table is from 9:00-9:50 a.m. in Athena Ballroom H. You would meet one-on-one for about 10-15 minutes on a first-come, first-served basis with a person
who presents his/her resume to you for constructive criticism. So far, we just have two people who have volunteered. A few more would be most appreciated, as this has been a popular session in the past. May I add that in my experience, this is a really gratifying thing to do; job seekers are so appreciative of any help, and I will add my own written
thanks to you after the event. Please email me at shelley@westga.edu if
you can do it. Thanks.
Shelley L. Smith
Senior Cataloger
University of West Georgia
Ingram Library
1601 Maple St.
Carrollton, GA 30118
fax: 678-839-6511
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