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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Projects, training & more (what I'm up to) : Drupalcamp, webdesign, digital identity, tweeting & more

Just a quick little update letting you know where I'll be and what I'm doing:
  • Today> DrupalCamp : Goal is to absorb as much related to publishing as I can and also get a few more ideas for my Intermediate Drupal class I'll be proposing to teach for Lyrasis for Winter semester. I dumped epublish (articles wouldn't "stick" to their issues) and I've looked at openpublish, but I don't really want to start the site from scratch (although I could, but I would then need to reload my database). I hope to re-launch moonshine arts magazine really soon, but I need to work out the publishing platform. I know how to do it using the book module and I *could* do it that way, but really want it to be a true journal platform.
  • Continuing for next 2 weeks: I'm taking a "web design" class through the webacademy. The class is really good and if you have never used Wordpress or GIMP (image editing, kind of like a free version of photoshop -- it's not but they do have similarities), it would be PERFECT for you. Alas, it's way elementary for me (and I've even taught similar classes), but I've been able to help out some of my fellow students in the chat, and I have picked up a couple of small tips, though nothing I couldn't have googled. So, why did I sign up? 1. Description didn't state audience level so I really didn't know and 2. Free.
  • Oct, 6 @ UGA Libraries; Oct 13 @COMO/GLA : Your Voice: Professional Networking & Digital Identity
    Free > Teaching 2 hour workshop on digital identity (will cover privacy and controlling identity, too) , personal branding, reputation management, developing influence, and credibility, aka digicred. Tools covered facebook, linkedin, twitter, etc. Losely based upon on my Digicred seminar.
  • Oct. 13: 1 voice, many channels w/ @Amy Watts: Teaching a session on tweeting and blogging for libraries; I'm covering blogging; Amy will cover twitter, but we'll tag team the whole preseno through. If you've never been to one of our presentations, we always get great feedback. Free @ COMO.
  • Nov. 11, Intro to Drupal for Libraries (Lyrasis)
  • Dec.4-6: TedX for Women / Coordinator (still working out logistics, but contact me at if interested)

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