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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's true.... I'm writing a book (no. 3 in list)

The Tech Set II

Cloud Computing in Libraries - Marshall Breeding, Director for Innovative Technologies and Research for the Vanderbilt University Libraries
Cloud computing offers organizations new cost-effective ways to use Web services for their computing needs including software applications, data storage, cloud development platforms, and processing power. This informative handbook provides a comprehensive view of the cloud computing landscape, the types of solutions available, their benefits and limitations, and how to use them in your library. Learn how to leverage the cloud for email and document sharing, storing media collection, hosting your library website, OPAC, or digital repository, backing up your ILS using well-known services such as Amazon Web Services and even how to use Google App Engine to create your own cloud applications! Become cloud-savvy with this complete how-to guidebook.

Strategic Planning for Social Media - Sarah Steiner, Social Work Librarian and Virtual Reference Coordinator at Georgia State University Library
It takes strategic vision to develop an engaging social media presence on the Web today. While most libraries are now online in some capacity, the ones that really stand out as cutting-edge leaders leverage multiple social networks, integrate social functionality into their own websites, utilize cross-channel marketing, and cultivate a unified online identity. This book tackles strategies for planning out these social Web initiatives and answering questions which will be key to your library’s online success. Which social media properties are appropriate for your library to participate in and in what ways? Who should be posting to these communities – librarians or the library’s marketing department? Should you institute a social media policy for your library? Learn how to plan what’s right for your organization through this practical resource that walks you through how to craft a solid strategic plan and the steps it takes to put it into motion.

Search 3.0 & the Semantic Web - Robin Fay, Head, Database Maintenance, University of Georgia Libraries
New trends in search technology are competing to meet our information retrieval needs. Today’s search tools are making use of structured and linked data, real-time search techniques, and social search. Discover what’s happening in the search field right now and how you can effectively use these tools in your library. This practical primer discusses everything from semantic search to data visualization to how to search for new Web content such as podcasts, videos, and “memes”. Learn the principles behind the Semantic Web, current library-related initiatives, and how you can structure your own data for better retrieval by today’s semantic search engines.

SMS Text Reference Services - Amanda Bielskas, Geology/Geosciences & Psychology Librarian, Columbia University and Kathleen M. Dreyer, Head, Watson Library of Business and Economics
oday’s library patrons are communicating via text messages on their mobile devices and forward-thinking libraries are offering to become their regular contacts. The latest in the evolution of synchronous virtual reference, SMS reference allows patrons to get answers on-the-go and establishes the library as an integral part of their information-seeking process. Learn how to plan and implement a text reference service at your library including everything from choosing your software and developing a staff training program to setting up canned messages and using QR barcodes to market the service. This practical guidebook outlines how to integrate this new offering into your existing virtual reference services, scheduling, promotion, assessment, and discusses workarounds such as using a Google Voice account instead of purchasing a cell phone for the library, or implementing an SMS intern program to offer extended hours.

Location-Based Mobile Social Networks & Augmented Reality - Joe Murphy, Science Librarian, Coordinator of Instruction and Technology, Kline Science Library, Yale University
New location-based services such as FourSquare, BrightKite, and Gowalla let people check in at venues via their mobile devices and connect with their friends in the area. And Augmented Reality applications let mobile users tap into a layer of information about their current location that gets displayed on top of their view of the real world. Both of these cutting-edge technologies offer a world of opportunities for libraries to enhance patrons’ experience and promote the library’s services. This handy guide gives a complete overview of the AR and location-based technology landscapes and details how to use these new services in your library. Readers will learn how to leverage FourSquare and other networks to promote library events, create QR codes for library signage and service promotion, and how to set up your library as a place within these location-aware networks.

Building Mobile Library Applications - Jason Clark, Team Leader, Digital Access & Web Services, Montana State University

Mobile devices are now an essential part of people’s everyday lives. These new devices such as smart phones, iPhones, iPads, and e-book readers are how library patrons are accessing their information today. And mobile-savvy libraries are building mobile library applications to provide them with that information, promote their resources, and offer cutting-edge services. Learn how to develop an iPhone or Android application for your library, how to mobilize your library’s catalog, and how to create a mobile website which can be viewed on smartphones. This complete handbook guides the reader through the process of planning, development, and launch of their own mobile library applications.

UX for Libraries - Aaron Schmidt, Principal, Walking Paper Library Consulting & Amanda Etches Johnson, Head, Discovery & Access, University of Guelph Library
In the short history of library websites, we’ve seen libraries go from developing basic yet largely unintuitive websites to stepping back to think about how the library fits into the user’s research process, how users search for information, and how they experience the library’s web presence. It is user experience research and usability testing that allows libraries and librarians to dig into user motivations and build user-driven websites that meet needs and delight users. This book outlines the strategies, tools and best practices for website and interface development in libraries and covers topics including user research, usability testing, creating a content strategy, and website governance.

Drupal and Libraries - Ken Varnum, Web Systems Manager, University of Michigan Library
Drupal is a powerful, free, open source content management system that enables organizations to create extensive, flexible websites incorporating social and 2.0 functionality. Libraries are utilizing this increasingly popular technology to create community-oriented websites which they can fully customize according to their specific needs. This hands-on, practical book walks the reader through the entire process of setting up a Drupal website for their library as well as provides tips and best practices for creating their own modules, and using existing library-oriented modules such as SOPAC2 to accomplish tasks such as integrating the library’s OPAC into the new website.

Screencasting for Libraries - TBA…
Screencasts are short instructional videos that demonstrate computer-related tasks and can be a very effective way to show library patrons how to use your website, OPAC, or databases. This complete how-to guidebook provides tips and techniques for how to create engaging library training screencasts and store them on the Web. From planning and software selection to storyboarding, scripting, and distribution, this practical primer provides step-by-step instructions. Learn about promotion techniques such as customizing a YouTube channel, embedding videos in the library website and Facebook Page, and getting your videos on iTunesU as well as post-production options such as file formats, sizes, and codecs in this all-in-one resource.

Next-Gen Redesign – TBA…
Today’s Next-Generation libraries are forces of innovation that are embracing the information revolution brought about through Web 2.0 technology. These cutting-edge libraries are creating engaging experiences for their patrons by incorporating social functionality into their websites and online catalogs. They are increasingly adopting open source software, creating interactive social media subject guides, chatting with patrons via IM widgets, and enabling patrons to send cataloging records to their cell phones. Learn how redesign your library’s website to offer next-gen social, open, and mobile, functionality for your library patrons.

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