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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Intro to the Semantic Web class - BibFrame, FRBR, RDA, Linked data for Libraries

Hey there, Don't forget - Lyrasis members - FREE (only 25$ for nonmembers)! Session on Linked data, FRBR, BibFrame, RDA = intro to the Semantic Web for libraries. FRIDAY! Join me for a learning lunch! This session is part of the LYRASIS second Friday series, a series of workshops providing information about and sharing new ideas and resources for resource sharing, electronic resources, and cataloging. In this one and one half hour 2nd Friday Series session, Robin Fay (yes me!), co-author of the book Semantic Web Technologies and Social Searching for Librarians, will introduce the concept of the semantic web, a movement founded by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in an effort to offer a common framework for shared data. She will review principles of linked data, RDA, FRBR, & BIBFRAME, including an overview of basics concepts and terminology.

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