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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

10 Weeks to 2.0 U

Well, it’s official. The 10Weeks to a Web2.0 You Social Media Training Program kicks off today. Right now, this is just for library staff, but we are collecting up all of the training tools, presentations, etc. to create a website which anyone can use. I’m co-teaching blogging and then image editing (the fun stuff, right?) I thought about switching out blogging for moviemaking, too, but geez, I have enough going on, you know? ;-) For those of you attending the kickoff, there is food!

Join S.T.E.P. and WAG for the launch party of a new training series:
On Wednesday, April 7, at 3:00 in the Administration conference room,
you can enjoy refreshments, get an overview of the program, and meet the instructors.

You’ve heard about Web 2.0 – you may even be using some of these applications in your personal computing time. But do you know…
…how to use Web 2.0 applications to increase your productivity and efficiency at work?
…how the UGA Libraries are already using some of this technology and you can get involved?

It is becoming increasingly important to know how to use these applications effectively and creatively in the work environment. To help you become more proficient, WAG and S.T.E.P. are offering a 10-session course about several of the most prominent uses of Web 2.0.

You can come to as many or as few of the sessions as you wish. However, participants who complete eight of the ten workshops will receive a certificate of completion of the program and will be entered in a prize drawing.

The sessions by week, are:

  1. Be Productive with Google Documents
  2. Sharing Your Message Online: Blogging & Tweeting
  3. Get Updated with RSS
  4. Flash, Bam, Alakazam!: Photos in a 2.0 World
  5. You Oughta Be in Pictures: Digital film-making
  6. The Web for Bookworms
  7. Get Organized with 2.0 Tools
  8. Where Did I See That Again?: Bookmarking tools
  9. Don’t Let That Wiki Be Tricky: Editing wikis
  10. Podcasting: Discovering and Creating Podcasts

This training course will help you develop techniques for becoming a more productive and technology-savvy employee, so talk to your supervisor today about becoming a new, improved 2.0 You.

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