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Monday, October 26, 2009

For you bloggers -- National Blog Posting Month

Nablopomo runs several blog events to encourage bloggers, too.... well, blog. October's theme was haunted. November is blog every day. I'm going to give it a try this year.

As you know, November is just around the corner and with it comes the big blogging free-for-all of the "official" National Blog Posting Month. There's no theme for November, so you're free to make it into whatever you want it to be!

There's a new system for submitting your link to the blogroll. If you go to the Blogrolls tab you'll see a sub-tab right below it that says "Submit Link." Click on that, follow the directions, and if all goes well you'll see your link show up on the blogroll within a couple of hours, rather than days. It's a new system and I fully expect to spend the week ironing the kinks out of it, but feel free to give it a try and let me know what you think.

The Randomizer is back just in time for November! It draws pages from the blogroll, so be sure to sign up for monthly blogging if you want your blog to be seen on the Randomizer.

November HTML badges are up, too:
If you've made a badge of your own, be sure to link to it in the comments.

And lastly, prize guidelines have been posted, too. They're a sub-tab under the Prizes tab:
We're starting to get a few donations already, and I'll continue to accept prize queries until the end of November, so there's no rush.

That's all for now. You'll probably be hearing from me a few times during November, mostly just with prize updates and motivational messages that will no doubt inspire you to keep posting every day. Best of luck, everyone!


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